Ryan DelGaudio
Ryan is a 3L from sunny South Florida. As a recovering theatre kid, Ryan passes the time by attending bar review and frequenting Boston’s finest hibachi establishments.
Ryan will be working at a law firm after graduating.
Maria Nolan
Maria is a 2L from Washington, D.C. When she’s not at bar review, she’s checking out new restaurants in Boston (big fan of Beli). Maria loves spicy margs, cuban food and karaoke.
Maria spent her 1L summer working in government, and will be working at a Paul, Weiss in New York next summer.
Ben Reichard
Ben is a 3L from Appalachia. When he's not at bar review, he's probably watching 7 hours of commercial-free football on NFL RedZone. When he's not watching football, he's probably setting his fantasy football lineups. When he's not setting his lineups, he's probably playing flag football with HL Football, where he is the all-time league leader in Viva tequila seltzer receptions.
Ben will be joining Bass, Berry & Sims in Nashville after graduation.
Hugh Reynolds
Hugh is a 3L from the New York burbs. He enjoys stand-up comedy and linen pants, and has a love-hate relationship with Duolingo.
Hugh will begin as a full-time associate at Sidley Austin in New York after graduation.
Phoenix Shaw
Phoenix is a 3L London, U.K., who has spent the last seven years in the U.S. You can find him watching Arsenal matches, cooking breakfast sandwiches, or going for SoundCloud-fueled runs around Cambridge.
Phoenix spent his 2L summer at Cleary Gottlieb in New York and will return there following graduation.
Nathan Wecht
Nathan is a 3L from Pittsburgh. In his free time, he likes to chill with his dóge, run along the Charles, & drink wine with friends. After graduation, he will werk for Simpson Thacher as a Corporate Associate in D.C.
Ethan Johnstone
Ethan is in Trial Advocacy.
Tony Kim
Tony is a 2L from the Bay Area. As a true foodie, he's probably been to every restaurant in San Francisco that is worth going. He is an avid fan of the Golden State Warriors, and he is probably arguing about Jordan over LeBron at any moment now.
Tony will be spending his 2L summer at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York.
James Limbaugh
James Limbaugh from Oklahoma.
Mahima Menghani
Mahima is a 2L from Waltham, Massachusetts who has proudly, but some might say unfortunately, spent most of her life in the Greater Boston area. When she's not at bar review sipping on a Red Bull and suffering in high heels (which she refuses to go out without), she can be found cooking pasta, watching horror movies, and taking random workout classes.
Mahima will be spending her 2L summer at Wachtell Lipton.